Abortion should NEVER be an Option


October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. The most heart wrenching statistic when it comes to babies with Down Syndrome is the abortion rate.  About 92% of pregnancies in Europe with a diagnosis of Down syndrome are terminated. In the United States, termination rates are around 67%, but this varies significantly depending upon the population evaluated.

The perception of what it will be like to raise a child with Down Syndrome has to be changed!!! 

I wish someone would have walked in my room with balloons and confetti the day she was born and said, “Congrats on the birth of an amazing little girl!!” She will take you to places you have never dreamed, introduce you to people you never would have met, and teach you things only few get to learn!!


My girl is only 5 years old and I stand in amazement at the things she has accomplished and the lives she has touched along the way!!

Anyone who knows us knows that we have been blessed to be a part of the awesome organization Ainsley’s Angels. Karsyn participates in races all over!! If you have a child with a disability, I urge you to contact them!! They have added so many blessings to our life!!





This last weekend was the Ethel Precht Breast Cancer Walk. Karsyn’s Grandmother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and thanks to Ainsley’s Angels she was able to participate alongside of us! This race was close to our hearts.


As we were walking up to the race, the Principal from Karsyn’s school came over to speak to her!! We are blessed to be part of a school where they not only know her name but truly care about her! I don’t take that for granted.

A few minutes later someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Karsyn’s first PT. She started seeing Karsyn when she was 3 months old, but we haven’t seen her in years. I was so touched that she went out of her way to come say Hello to Karsyn.


While we were waiting to start the race another person came over and put her arm around me. I turned to see a young St. Louis Saints Cheerleader! She came over to say Hello to Karsyn. She is the daughter of Karsyn’s first Speech Therapist.



I left that race with a renewed awareness of how awesome it is to have a daughter with Down Syndrome.

Yes, they told me that Karsyn would be delayed and would need extra help in certain areas. She would need OT, PT and speech. She would be part of a Special Education program at her school. She would be part of “Special” organizations that would cater to her needs.


As a new Mom that is all pretty depressing!!

I wish they would have told me that because she will need these things, God is about to bless your life in an AMAZING way.

God will send Karsyn the very best therapists!! Not only will they be exactly who Karsyn needs but they will also be exactly who you need!!


Karsyn will need a Special Education teacher to help her learn but don’t worry that teacher will love her more than you ever thought possible and she will be there for you even on your craziest days!!


Karsyn will be a part of some “special” organizations, but this will be the greatest journey of your life!! You will meet strangers who will become like family! You will travel to places you never would have gone, and have the privilege of meeting some incredible people!!




There is no need to be depressed!!!

Down Syndrome is the coolest, most exciting journey you have ever been on!



That little girl is going to change everything about you. She will teach you to never give up, to try new things, to love people for who they are, to never settle for less than the best, to keep a positive outlook….things could always be worse, to celebrate every accomplishment along the way whether big or small. You were born to change lives-don’t ever waste that!   It’s ok to fail but always keep trying!!

I really don’t have the time or space to write everything that she has taught me!!

Did I mention she is only 5??



If you are a new mom and you have been blessed with this same amazing gift!  Embrace it!!  Don’t you dare have a negative outlook on the future for you and your sweet baby!! Love that baby with every fiber that’s in you!

He or She is the single greatest gift you will ever receive!!


Dig Deep and Keep Running

As a little girl I dreamt about what my life would be like when I grew up. I remember playing this game called M.A.S.H. 

Here’s how to play:  

You get a piece of paper and choose your categories. 

Basic M.A.S.H. consists of only four categories:

M.A.S.H. (Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House)

People to Marry

Number of Kids

Type of Car

You write down four options under each category, then you choose your number and eventually you eliminate all but one under each category.

And there you have it, everything you need to know about your future.

Am I the only kid who played this game??

The sad thing is under each category was the best of the best. Unrealistic!! You grow up thinking that your life will only be “perfect” if you can somehow manage to end up with all these things.  Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having nice things!  Someone once told me, “Don’t apologize for the blessings of God in your life.”  God is so good and He gives way more than we deserve, there’s no doubt about that. What happens when the “perfect” life turns out different than you dreamt??

You know what I’ve found out? Different is SCARY!!!

We were devastated when minutes after Karsyn was born the doctor told us that he suspected she has Down Syndrome.  My mind immediately went back to a few weeks earlier when I looked at my precious family and said “Look, Matt how beautiful they all are, just one more and our family will be perfectly complete.”  I can promise you my idea of perfect was not for our baby to have Down Syndrome. I can’t explain to you the overwhelming feeling of grief.  The dreams that we walked in with that day changed in a moment.  We were thrown into a whole new world full of unknowns!!

I know I never wrote down on that piece of paper that I wanted a child with special needs. I’m not sure anyone wishes that for themselves.

Why is different so scary??  It shouldn’t be!!!


I think different is better!

I’ve said hundreds of times in the past 3 years, “Karsyn has changed our family for the better!!” Our family would not be perfect without her!!  She is the most amazing little girl you will ever meet!  I promise if you are blessed enough to have her in your life you will agree that she makes it better! 

I know you are probably asking yourself, “What does this have to do with running?”  

Becky Janci Ree Karsyn 1

I’m glad you asked!!

Because of Karsyn, we have been introduced to so many people and opportunities that we would never have known existed.  Recently, we were introduced to an incredible organization called Ainsley’s Angels.  The “Angels” (runners) push the “Captains” (individuals with disabilities) in local races.  What a great experience to run alongside these amazing people!!!  It’s life changing!!  So far Karsyn has run in 2 races, we love it!!!  She is my INSPIRATION.  She has to work so hard to do so many things we take for granted, yet she never quits and never complains!!  I have decided to start running with the same attitude that she lives every day. 

Ainsleys Angels

Contraband 1

This past Saturday we ran the Contraband 5-miler. I loved that I was able to run with Karsyn, but I was very disappointed in myself.  I’ve been running for 5 months, and I’m really not getting any better.  
Contraband 2
After the race I asked my friend Michelle, “Why am I not getting better??”  I seriously think Michelle missed her calling in life (not really she rocks at her job) but she is also a great motivator.  She always says something that helps me, and probably more than she ever intended.  So let me share her response to my question, “You know why?  It’s partly because you let yourself quit too easy, and partly because you haven’t learned to hurt.  Running is hard, it’s nothing but your brain, heart, legs and lungs fighting with the pavement.  There’s no back up; no one to tag team, no one to get your back, no way to coast and catch your breath. It’s just you and your inner demons vs. your inner drive.  Running reveals what you’re made of like no other sport because you are all you have to rely on.  If you want to get better, you have to dig deep inside and see what’s there. It’s the same amazing woman who bore and is raising 6 amazing kids. It’s in there YOU JUST WON’T LET IT OUT!!!!!  Your constant use of the words “I CAN’T” is the core of your struggle. Change that and everything else will fall in place.”
Contraband 5

Contraband 4

Okay, so I’m taking her words of wisdom and I’m using my sweet little girl as all the inspiration and example I need.  I CAN do this!!!!  I CAN get better!!

Contraband 3

Spiritual Application:

Life is never easy!!!  We all have times in our life where we have to dig deep and see what we are made of.  We can overcome anything that comes our way.

1 John 4:4: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.  

God will use trials in our lives to make us stronger!!  

“It takes us experiencing the hurt and feeling the pain to realize who we are and how strong God is!!”